County Offical Info
Kevin Rush
Kevin Rush
Planning Director
67 S. Elm Ave.
Cookeville, TN 38501
(931 )372-0070
(931) 372-0071
8:00 to 4:00

Important update:  At the March 2024 meeting, the planning commission voted to change the regular meeting date of the commission from the first Tuesday to the second Tuesday of each month @ 5:30 PM.  The first Tuesday was in conflict with other meetings and several meetings had to be moved due to election days and holidays.  The submittal deadline for items to be on the agenda for the planning commission meeting is the 22nd, next business day if that is a holiday or weekend.


The Putnam County Regional Planning Commission meetings will be held at 5:30 p.m. on the SECOND Tuesday of every month, in the multi-purpose room of the Cookeville Community Center at 240 Carlen Dr in Cookeville.


  • David Mattson, Chairman
  • Terry Randolph, Vice-chairman
  • Dale Moss, Secretary
  • Adam Johnson
  • Jeff Jones
  • Jim Martin
  • Ted McWilliams
  • Robert Riddle
  • Phil Wilbourn

Planning Director

Kevin Rush is the Putnam County Director of Planning. His contact info can be found here,

Planning Commission Engineer

Patrick Rinks of Richard C. Rinks & Associates located at 30 North Jefferson Avenue in Cookeville. A contact number to reach our Planning Commission Engineer is 931-528-5543.

Commission Meetings

The Putnam County Regional Planning Commission meetings will be held at 5:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month, in the multi-purpose room of the Cookeville Community Center at 240 Carlen Dr in Cookeville, except when required to be conducted via electronic means.  If you would like to be added to the email distribution list to have the agenda sent to you, please send an email to

Important reminder for Developers, Surveyors and Property Owners:

The submittal deadline for plats and other items to be considered by the planning commission shall be 4:00 PM on the 22nd day of the previous month, next business day if that fall on a weekend or holiday.  The developer (owner, surveyor, or representative) shall bring five (5) full size copies of the plat to the planning commission meeting.  Plats must be submitted as a pdf to the plannning department. 

County Zoning Information

Currently Putnam County has no county-wide zoning regulations.  Putnam County does have regulations regarding development in flood plains (i.e. floodplain zoning, which is only enforced in the 100-year flood plains as identified by FEMA).  If/when land is to be subdivided, then the subdivision must comply with the Putnam County Subdivision regulations. 

Property located with the corporate limits of Algood, Baxter, Cookeville, or Monterey will have to comply with that city’s development codes (zoning, building codes, subdivision regulations, etc).

Putnam County has enacted building codes and cell tower regulations that are enforced within the unincorporated area of the county.  For information on building permits required and associated fees, please contact Putnam County Codes.  The contact information of the Putnam County Codes is  270 Carlen Ave, Cookeville, TN 38501, Phone (931) 526-2285, Fax (931) 526-2257, and E-Mail  The cell tower regulations can be found here:

Putnam County has adopted subdivision regulations but not zoning.  Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) are a special type of development within many zoning ordinances.   Because PUD’s are a construct of zoning, no development within the unincorporated areas of Putnam County can be developed as a PUD since the county has not adopted county-wide zoning.  Putnam County would only consider the development as a subdivision.

Meeting Agenda Packets

The Agenda Packets for the monthly meetings can be found at the links below:

October 8, 2024:

September 10, 2024:



August 13, 2024:

July 9, 2024:

June 11, 2024:

May 14, 2024:

April 9, 2024:

March 12th, 2024:

February 6, 2024:

January 2, 2024:

December 5, 2023:

November 7, 2023:

October 3, 2023:

September 5, 2023:

August 1, 2023:

July 11, 2023:

Meeting Minutes

1990 Minutes

1991 Minutes

1992 Minutes

1993 Minutes

1994 Minutes

1995 Minutes

1996 Minutes

1997 Minutes

1998 Minutes

1999 Minutes

2000 Minutes

2001 Minutes

2002 Minutes

2003 Minutes

2004 Minutes

2005 Minutes

2006 Minutes

2007 Minutes

2008 Minutes

2009 Minutes

2010 Minutes

2011 Minutes

2012 Minutes

2013 Minutes

2014 Minutes

2015 Minutes

2016 Minutes

2017 Minutes

2018 Minutes

2019 Minutes

2020 Minutes

2021 Minutes

2022 Minutes

2023 Minutes



